Spiritual growth and maturity does not happen accidentally. You have to be intentional about your spiritual growth if you are serious about your walk with Christ. It is imperative that each member make spiritual growth a priority and not an afterthought. Your family, church and community grow when you grow spiritually. Below you will find simple but practical things you can do to grow spiritually.
Personal Study (R.E.A.D.Y)
Read the Word daily.
Express in writing what God said to you through the verses you read
Apply what you read. Write down what you said to God after your daily reading
Designate a time and place for your daily quiet time.
Yield yourself to daily prayer
Be present on Sunday
Participate in small groups
Partner in Serving
Practice Sharing
As a member of St. Paul, we encourage you to get connected through personal connection, ministry and service. Being a member of a church has its benefits. See what the Bible says about corporate worship.
Be a part of God’s work through the church. (Romans 12:5).
Worship with other Christians (Ephesians 5:19-20).
Share our faith (Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
Minister to one another (1 Corinthians 12:12-26).
Fellowship with one another (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Identify publicly with the family of God (see Acts 2:41-42).
Strength for daily living, which comes through the fellowship of Christians (Hebrews 3:12-13; Acts 2:42-47)
Express our personal talents and spiritual gifts in service through the church (Romans 12:4-8)
Jesus set the example for us through His custom of regular synagogue attendance (Luke 4:16).
Responsibilities of Membership
At St. Paul, we believe that there should be harmony, unity, shared responsibility and purpose among membership. There should not be selfish ambition or selfish behavior among membership (Phil 2:1-4). Members should not function as individual islands nor should a few members have to carry the responsibility and burden of the entire church. We believe that Together Everyone Accomplish More (T.E.A.M.). We look to the early church in Acts 2:42-47 as a great model to follow. The members of the Acts 2 church were Sincere, Serving, Sharing, Striving and Supportive. It is the responsibility of each member to display those five things.
Sincere: Members should be genuine individuals who are sure of their salvation and living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This means that members love one another with the love of Christ and are truly concerned about the well-being of the Church and membership.
Serving: Members should actively serve instead of conveniently sit. Faith without works is dead. Every born-again believer has been gifted by God through the Holy Spirit to be a Servant Leader.
Supportive: Members should build strong spiritual relationships with one another through consistent fellowship. Support and accountability partners should emerge out of Christian fellowship.
Sharing: Members should be giving individuals who faithfully support the church through their tithes and offerings.
Striving: Members should have a desire to grow in their relationship with Christ. Members should regularly attend worship service and educational opportunities offered by St. Paul. We encourage members to take advantage of small group studies because they are a great vehicle for discipleship and development.